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BoneMD 90 caps (90 days supply)

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10 in stock


Product Code: CN02
  • Increases bone mineral density
  • The MBP contained in a single daily dose of Bone MD capsule is equivalent to drinking 1 litre of milk.
  • MBP helps regulate activity of bone-destroying osteoclast cells, while increasing the number of osteoclast cells and stimulating them to increase production of collagen; the building blocks of bones
  • MBP both suppresses bone resorption and stimulates bone formation
  • Recommended for those whose bone density is at or below threshold level
  • Suitable for Muslim users

Useful PDFs for downloads:

MBP Booklet 1 (What is MBP and How it builds bones)
MBP Booklet 2
List of Studies
Interactive Effect of MBP & Bone Health in Older Women
MBP Bone Metabolism in Menopause
Nutraceitial Proteins and Peptides
Radial Bone Density
Safety Evaluation
HALAL Cert for MBP Ingredient
Allergen Assessment

Earn up to 264 Points.


MBP™ is a natural protein complex found in trace amounts in whey of human milk and cow’s milk. Whey is the watery substance that you often see on the top of yogurt.

MBP™ was discovered and researched in Japan for its effects on bone health. It contains several bioactive ingredients that are alkaline. Alkaline is the opposite of acidic. Although milk is rich in protein, MBP™  accounts for only a small portion of milk’s overall protein content.

MBP™ is an important multi-functional protein that acts directly and indirectly on bone cells. It vitalizes the bone itself, making it more receptive to calcium, while at the same time preventing excessive calcium from being leached from the bones.

No matter how diligent you may be about getting sufficient calcium, if your body’s ability to form bone is impaired, that calcium will not be efficiently absorbed into your bones.

BoneMD® contains MBP™ extracted from New Zealand-based dairy sources. New Zealand’s dairy industry is known as the world’s leader in quality standards.


How BoneMD® builds bones

Bone metabolism

Each day, our bones undergo a constant, gradual process of regeneration. Bones are created from living cells, and continually regenerate themselves through a process known as bone metabolism. Bone metabolism involves the destruction of old bones, or bone resorption, and the creation of new bones, or bone formation.

The cells that handle bone resorption are known as osteoclasts, while the cells engaged in bone formation are called osteoblasts. Osteoblast cells produce collagen, the basic building material of bones. When osteoblasts produce collagen, calcium from the bloodstream attaches to the collagen to form new bone material.

How BoneMD® helps build bones

MBP™, the active ingredient in BoneMD®, regulates the activity of bone-destroying osteoclast cells, while increasing the number of osteoblast cells and stimulating them to increase the production of collagen, the building block of bones.

MBP™ both suppresses bone resorption and stimulates bone formation. MBP™ is an important substance that maintains a balanced bone metabolism, assisting in bone formation during periods of growth, and helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Is BoneMD® clinically-proven?

Human clinical trials have repeatedly demonstrated that the active ingredient in BoneMD® can increase bone mineral density through its effects on osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

Test group trials have verified that taking as little as 40 mg of MBP™ per day leads to increased bone density. In tests done on a group of 33 women ranging in age from twenty-two and fifty-four, each participant of MBP™ group (n=17) consumed 40 mg of MBP™ per day for six months. Results showed an average 3% increase in bone density of the radius (a forearm bone located near the wrist).*


How to use BoneMD®?

BoneMD® is convenient one-per-day capsule formula. It can be taken by women in menopause who have lost bone mineral density or by women looking to prevent bone loss by maximizing bone growth during pre-menopausal stages.

BoneMD® is safe for use on a daily, long-term basis. Clinical studies conducted on the active ingredient in BoneMD® were conducted over a six-month period with no side-effects.

Recommended use:
BoneMD® contains MBP, a whey protein fraction clinically shown to increase Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and suppress bone loss (resorption).

Recommended dose:
Adult women: Take 1 capsule per day.

Medicinal ingredients:
Each capsule contains:
MBP™ (90% protein). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 mg

Non-medicinal Ingredients:
Calcium phosphate dibasic, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, purified water

Contra-indications: Not recommended for people with milk allergies.

Do not use if blister-pack seal is broken

Free from artificial flavours, artificial colours, gluten, wheat, preservatives, soy, added sugar and yeast.

Frequently Asked Questions: BoneMD®

Q.Does BoneMD® contain calcium? Can I take calcium with BoneMD®? Should I continue to take calcium?

A.BoneMD® does NOT contain calcium. Yes, you CAN take calcium with BoneMD®. BoneMD® helps calcium adhere to the bones by increasing osteoblast formation. Generally, the calcium from your diet will be sufficient. All the studies done on MBP™, the raw material in BoneMD®, were done WITHOUT extra calcium supplementation. If you require extra calcium supplementation, BoneMD® will help to maximize the effectiveness of that supplementation.

Q.Should I take more than one BoneMD® capsule per day (40 mg)?

A.Increased amounts have not shown to increase bone mineral density to a greater degree. 40 mg is optimal.

Q.Why do the directions specify only a dosage for women? Can men take BoneMD®?

A.While women have a higher incidence of osteoporosis due to a smaller frame and menopausal issues, men also experience bone loss. Most of the studies done on MBP™, the material in BoneMD®, have been conducted on women and this is what the approved BoneMD® claim from Health Canada is based on. Men CAN take BoneMD® and there is a clinical study showing its effectiveness.

Q.For how long should one take BoneMD®?

A.Bone formation happens very slowly, so BoneMD® needs to be taken for a long period of time and ideally on a continual basis for those at risk. The clinical studies on MBP™, showing increased bone mineral density, were conducted over a six-month period. BoneMD® 90’s size is priced so that consumers can supplement affordably long-term.

Q.Is BoneMD® only for those who have osteoporosis?

A.No. MBP™ has been clinically proven to increase bone mineral density in both menopausal and PRE-menopausal women. It can be used for treatment AND prevention. The best way to avoid osteoporosis is to build up bone prior to menopause, the time of life most associated with bone loss.

Frequently Asked Questions: General Bone Health

Q.If I consume the right amount of calcium, will my bones automatically regenerate?

A.No matter how much calcium we ingest, our bones will not be able to utilize calcium effectively if the bones are unreceptive. If the calcium we consume is not incorporated into our bones, it flows out of the body as waste. Calcium is only one of the important building blocks in the formation of bones. Bone cells that do not function properly are unable to effectively utilize the available calcium. The cells that actually build the bone are called osteoblasts. The cells that dissolve old bones are called osteoclasts. The proper balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts is essential for healthy bone formation.

It is interesting to note that despite the high consumption of calcium in North America, rates of osteoporosis are very high.

Q.What other nutritional substances, minerals, and vitamins help regenerate bones?

A.Other substances that facilitate bone regeneration include vitamin D, casein phosphopeptides (CPPs), magnesium, vitamin K, and isoflavones. Vitamin D and casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) enhance calcium absorption. In addition, various food substances play an important role in bone regeneration. Magnesium and vitamin K are important for their roles in stimulating bone formation, while isoflavones inhibit bone resorption. Key food substances involved in bone regeneration:

Ingredient Supplements calcium Accelerates calcium absorption Increases Osteoblast formation Promotes collagen formation by osteoblasts Promotes bone calcification Reduces number of osteoclasts Inhibits bone resorption by osteoclasts Natural sources
Calcium Checkmark Milk, yogurt, cheese
Vitamin D Checkmark Sunlight, fish, mushrooms
Magnesium Checkmark Sesame seeds, buckwheat, bananas
Vitamin K Checkmark Checkmark Natto beans, spinach, broccoli
Isoflavone Checkmark Soybean products
Stimulates Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Milk, yogurt

Q.How long does it take human bones to regenerate?

A.It takes approximately three years for human bones to completely regenerate.

Q.What is osteoporosis?

A.Osteoporosis means “porous bone” and is the most widespread bone disease affecting adults as they age. With osteoporosis, the bone becomes increasingly fragile. Consequently, bones affected by osteoporosis are at greater risk for breaks. It is known as a silent disease because it can go undetected for years until severe skeletal deterioration is noticeable or a bone is fractured.

Q.Who gets osteoporosis?

A.Osteoporosis typically affects women, starting at age 50, and men, starting at age 60. Women are 4 times as likely to develop osteoporosis as men. Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis, frequently due to hormonal changes that occur during menopause.

Q.What is osteopenia?

A.With osteopenia, bone mineral density (BMD) is below normal level, but not low enough to be diagnosed as osteoporosis. While there are no visible symptoms, osteopenia can be determined with a bone mineral density (BMD) test. Some people may naturally have lower bone density, making them more susceptible to osteoporosis. Women have a lower peak BMD than men and women are at greater risk for osteopenia due to menopause-related hormonal changes.

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